Friday, February 13, 2015

The Somewhere-by-the-Sea Salon

So how does this grab you – how about a monthly Salon-ish gathering that is part book club, part film club, part supper club, part cultural get together? I’m thinking this could be a real-world group with a virtual component – like we could establish a Facebook group so that friends who are far away could participate in book and film discussions, but friends who are local could meet monthly and maybe take some trips to local museums and cultural sites. Our monthly meetings could be a supper club of sorts too, where we could enjoy anything from light refreshments to multi-course meals – maybe even something that relates to our book club selection, or we would just order Chinese or Thai -- or something else.

I would love to host this soiree, though it wouldn’t have to be always at my house – but I do want to set the expectation of what kind of things I would want to read and watch. On the sidebar of this blog are lists of books I read between 2007 and 2010, to give you an idea of the type of book I'd like to keep reading. Please take a look and decide if we share a similar taste. The book selections can be old or new – I don’t care which. The size of the group doesn’t have to be set – people may want to pop in and out sporadically, depending on their interest in the books and films we’ll discuss and I hope we have both men and women. I would love it if the group included family, friends and neighbors from all over, even if you don’t participate much.

How would that be, hmm? Would you be interested? Shall I add you to the Somewhere-by-the-Sea Salon Facebook Group? Let's see where this goes!


cynthia newberry martin said...

A blog post! from you! It's been years! Wow, yes, of course, I'm interested. Please add me to the group. PS-Naturally, I'm overloaded with reading projects at the moment but I want to be a part of this!

Joyce Emery-Kelley, REALTOR said...

I am in, please save me a seat by the window as I enjoy the ocean breeze!!

Charles Gramlich said...

I have a writing group meeting every week. I probably couldn't afford the time for another, although it sounds fun.

Patty W said...


Is this really a stone in the blogging world??

Because it looks like a boob to me.

eudaemoniaforall said...


web lol said...

kul post

Patty W said...

What in the heck is up with these comments and how do we opt out of the emails?? 🤣🤣🤣

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Scott Romero said...

Nice postt

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Literary Quote

It is worth mentioning, for future reference, that the creative power which bubbles so pleasantly in beginning a new book quiets down after a time, and one goes on more steadily. Doubts creep in. Then one becomes resigned. Determination not to give in, and the sense of an impending shape keep one at it more than anything.

Virginia Woolf