Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Change The World

Although this was written as a love song, it reminds me that each one of us has this power.

What would you like to do to change the world?


Anonymous said...

There is no way to change the world without changing its people and we've no right to do that...

...yet, if we could instill the serious awareness of life and human kindness in each and all, I think the world could change by everyone's own hand.

Here's to a New Year of health and happiness to you and all.

susan @ spinning

Melissa Amateis said...

If something I write makes one person change for the better or rethink their lives, then I've succeeded.

Charles Gramlich said...

Persuade folks to take a little more care of the environment we all share.

Patti said...

i would like to persuade all to recognize that they are loved beyond measure...

Lisa said...

Susan, I think I understand what you're saying, although I think we very often make small changes in the world without even being aware we're doing it. I can't tell you how many times a small kindness from another person, or an email or note on a day that's particularly trying has changed the way I view things and consequently how I am in the world.

Melissa, what a great sentiment. I sometimes think that even blogging is a far more powerful form of communication than most of us recognize.

Charles, that's a great one. I think what we do does matter too. I know that when I'm in a household that's especially vigilant about conserving energy and recycling, it automatically makes me pay a lot more attention to what I'm doing too.

Patti, wow. That's powerful.

virtual nexus said...

Lisa, think you've touched a keynote when you said that blogging is a more powerful form of communication than we recognize; on its good side its defintely a counterbalance to some of the isolation produced in technological societies I guess...so here's to more effective blogging and

Every best wish for the New Year and the Dickens Challenge!

Lisa said...

Julie, and best wishes to you in the New Year as well :)

virtual nexus said...

ps - love the light on the Kayla oil btw.

Barrie said...

I think something along the lines of respect could do wonders. Respect others; respect yourself.

steve on the slow train said...

Lisa--When I was younger I sold "McCarthy's Million" buttons to my Cedar Falls High classmates in 1968, wrote press releases for the Dick Clark (the Iowa senator, not the Bandstand guy) campaign in 1972, and knocked on doors for Mo Udall in '76.

In my current situation, I don't have the time or money to work on a campaign, but I'm hoping that my Dickens Challenge entry could have an impact--maybe not change the world, but change some people's hearts and minds.

In my next chapter I'm quoting Robert Kennedy's Indianapolis speech after Martin Luther King's assassination. I was once again moved to tears by his quote from Aeschylus: “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."

I'll never be that eloquent, but I can at least remind readers of two men who did change the world.

Lisa said...

Barrie, respect can definitely make a huge difference. That's a good one for the list I'm starting to make. Thanks so much for coming by!

Lisa said...

Steve, that must have been an incredible experience. I've never been involved in anything like that, but over the last few months, I've started to believe that there are things -- like juvenile justice reform -- that just might be changeable at the state levels if enough people speak out. I've always assumed that change is impossible unless we completely dedicate ourselves to causes, but I'm beginning to believe that maybe that's not true. I hope that it's not. I think you will reach people with your story. I've learned so much from your blog posts. You have a lot to say and you say it beautifully.

Anonymous said...

I once had a postcard that said, "World peace begins in your own heart." I don't know where the quote originated, but I love the sentiment. Sure, I vote and donate and volunteer and that sort of thing, but sometimes I think the biggest contribution I can make to the world is to try to make peace with my own demons, which will hopefully make me less likely to snap at my kids and husband, or curse at fellow drivers, or show impatience with my co-workers, or gossip -- and hopefully make my corner of the world a little more peaceful as a result.

Lisa said...

Missy, I had to read your comment three times. What an amazing statement and it's so absolutely true. If only we could all make peace with ourselves -- and by extension, be open to feeling compassion for other people, we would be changing the world with every encounter. I feel the same way about forgiving and letting go with other people. Thanks for giving me something to really think about.

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Literary Quote

It is worth mentioning, for future reference, that the creative power which bubbles so pleasantly in beginning a new book quiets down after a time, and one goes on more steadily. Doubts creep in. Then one becomes resigned. Determination not to give in, and the sense of an impending shape keep one at it more than anything.

Virginia Woolf