The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank does amazing work. Just because. Their mission is simple: ENDING HUNGER.
I’ve discovered some astounding statistics:
**as of a couple of weeks ago, the Foodbank had distributed over 1,000,000 pounds more food than they distributed for the entire year in 2007.
**so far this year, there has been a 29% increase of families with children who need the Foodbank’s services.
**each dollar ($1) donated provides 7 nutritious meals.Right here in these United States. The people who are in need are our friends and neighbors; folks just like you and like me. Folks who have to decide between medical care and food; between heat and electricity or food.
We the people can make a difference. Over 60 artists from points near and far have donated small scale works of art to help us help the Foodbank. Cups of Kindness is a show and sale of these pieces. All proceeds from the sale of these works will benefit the Foodbank. Please take a look at our website, http://www,cupsofkindness.net. Help us raise a cup of kindness for auld lang syne.
Plant closures in the auto industry recently have made times especially tough in Ohio this year. Please check out Cups of Kindness and if you can, make a donation to the Foodbank or bid on one of the many wonderful pieces of artwork there.
Thank you for your kind and generous words, Lisa. I am passionate about this project; it is one I've been thinking about for such a long time, and to see it happening is gratifying.
I raise my cup of kindness to you, and to all of us who said, "YES, WE CAN."
As I've told Debra, may those Cups of Kindness overflow!
the title brought to mind a great book by an American whose kindness does overflow.
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson should be essential reading. Please do so.
Debra, I am so proud to know you. You and your fellow artists are doing a wonderful thing. xo
Larramie, Yes!
Usman, I have just added the book to my Amazon wish list. It sounds fascinating. Thank you for the recommendation.
I didn't realize there had been such an increase in demand for 08. I need to get out and do something. So sad. For people to go hungry in this country.
Looking forward to doing some online art shopping on the 8th, Lisa! Those statistics are mind-boggling, aren't they? Thankfully people like Debra care enough to really help those in need. Hopefully this benefit will exceed all expectations! Counting blessings here at the Carter casa, K.
Best of luck to those involved in this program. Charles & I used to donate food regularly to the local food bank. Then Hurricane Katrina came & we moved away. I should really find out where the local food bank is now...
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