Back From Grand Lake
I’m back, I’m recharged and I’m inspired. I solved some problems I'd been having with The Foundling Wheel. It was another incredible experience and I have lots to share about the retreat that I’ll post about later. I will definitely be back up at Grand Lake again July 12-17, 2009. This year, we had people from as far away as Atlanta and Tucson in attendance, so maybe next year I'll tempt one or two of you into coming out to Colorado to join us.
On a side note, I turned forty-seven while I was away. If I couldn't be at home with Scott, I was in the next best possible place to celebrate a birthday. Scott surprised me and sent the most beautiful flower arrangement I've ever seen.
My Uncle Denis sent this photo of me, sitting on what I believe was my grandmother's kitchen floor.
I'll be catching up with all of you and your blogs this week. I missed you guys!

Literary Quote
It is worth mentioning, for future reference, that the creative power which bubbles so pleasantly in beginning a new book quiets down after a time, and one goes on more steadily. Doubts creep in. Then one becomes resigned. Determination not to give in, and the sense of an impending shape keep one at it more than anything.
Virginia Woolf
Welcome back. Glad you had fun. and happy birthday. Now you're just 2 years younger than me.
Ahh, how cute that picture is.
Good to know you had fun.
No refrigerators do not shelve books. Even 2 yr olds know that. But you were there for a chocolate I guess.
I'm glad you had a great time! Love that photo!!
And happy belated birthday!
Welcome home, Lisa! SO glad to hear you found the week not only restful (and gorgeous, gotta love Grand Lake) but inspiring and productive!! Happy belated birthday; cute photo! K.
I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time. Grand Lake is a beautiful place (we were just up there last Christmas).
It sounds as if you've been creatively recharged--always a good thing.
Happy belated birthday, Lisa! Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the workshop. :-)
Happy birthday young lady! I might have to go up to Grand Lake next year.
Happy Birthday! Glad you had a wonderful time. I'd so love to get back to my home turf for a week like that. Believe me, I've got my eye on it or something similar. (Just a small matter of funding ... ha!)
Yay, Lisa in the hoooouuuse! I am glad you resolved some problems. Happy birthday.
Hehe. Input welcome my fellow mushy brained comrade. (c: Awesome photo and happy post birthday! Ok...I'm going to go post something and go to London. Whee.
Love the photo :-) So pleased you had a wonderful week.
Happy Birthday, you! The first century's the hardest.
(By the way, you never mentioned your uncle's a cross-dresser...)
Yay you!!! I'm so glad you had such a great time. Missed you, too.
And happy birthday, friend...
Sp glad the retreat was so productive--I'm jealous!
And happy birthday--yay for the 40's!
It was your happybirthday? :-D
Congratulations on making it to 47. That baby picture could be me back in Chicago on the basement floor! I'll have to dig up a picture to share with you.
I'm eagerly awaiting more details about your workshop. It's good to have you "home" again!
Awwwww, Lisa, that is the cutest picture in the world! Scott should do a painting of it. I bet it would be a vision in oil colors!
I can't wait to hear details of your workshop! Last year, I learned so much from your participation. I feel like I should pay you!
I forgot to say a belated Happy Birthday!
happy happy day! you beat me to 47 by a few months...
(Belated) happy birthday - really look forward to reading about your Wriers Workshop experience (I am sooooo jealous) and the new ideas that have come out of it! Best wishes
you're right, that is the kitchen floor at your grandmother's house. I'd forgotten. You were very cute.
Many Happy Returns of the Day, Lisa! I hope you will see most of your dreams come true, and especially the one of getting published. :-)
I'm glad you had a great experience at the retreat. I’m back, I’m recharged and I’m inspired. - just to be able to say that and it was well worth spending a week there.
Your picture as a child is wonderful!
Happy Belated Birthday, Lisa! I hope this coming year is your best yet!
Such a lovely photo!
I'm excited to hear about your experience. You sound energized and ready to go--that's awesome!
Everyone else already said what I wanted to say, so I'll just repeat it—happy belated birthday (remember, you're not just getting older, you're getting wiser and collecting material for your novels), I'm glad your week was as great as last year's, and I look forward to your posts on what you learned.
Glad to know you so enjoyed the retreat. And belated Happy Birthday to You!!!!!
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